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Prop 8: a response

A look at the Christian response to the overturning of Proposition 8.

Being a native Californian, I am greatly aware of California’s predicament in regards to Proposition 8. With gay marriage on the forefront of the political and moral arena, conscientious men and women need to make difficult decisions about their responsibilities as Christians and good citizens. What is a Christian American to do?

Christian Response At A Glance

Already the Christian response to gay marriage has been extremely wide. Toward one extreme of the spectrum lies the community that accepts gay marriage and feels no animosity toward it, marrying gay and lesbian couples without qualms and with congratulations. On the other side fall churches that participate in gay exorcisms, seeking to rid gay and lesbian people of the demons residing in their bodies and souls, and forcing them to be heterosexual. With all of these under the title “Christian”, no wonder we cause confusion. We need better PR, people.

This range of responses even confuses the church: how involved should Christians, who are not of this world, be in forming the laws of a country with such a wide religious base? From reading the views of the Founding Fathers and writings of the Revolution, it is evident that America was established on Christian principles and understandings. But being a Christian does not strongly connect me to America. While I am morally against gay marriage, maybe I should not be trying to push my knowledge unto others. Just as people have the right to make good decisions, maybe they should also have the right to make some bad ones.

And yet I am called to be a light unto the world and to love my fellowmen. Can I allow my neighbors to do what is morally wrong and harmful? Responsibility calls Christians to love others as God would love them. From my analysis of the situation, I have arrived at three very different, and yet appropriate, Christian responses:

Continuing the Fight

First: For the love of the truth, their neighbors and God, Christians should continue fighting for laws against gay marriage. Their approach should be one of extreme sincerity, humility, and respect. The current paradigm of Christian response to the world is really shaming; so, any assertive and national reaction must have rationality, and not judgment, as its foundation.

Living Examples

Second: Christians should abandon their struggle to change the state of their nation through the law. If the nation is going to change, it will be through seeing examples of Christ, not through legislation. Remember, God is almighty and in control. And the best way to move the nation is not through government control, but through showing other citizens moral virtues through our actions. I especially recommend this answer to gay marriage to those people who may treat their family and friends poorly, but emphasize national issues. Put more effort into raising a good family and, through God’s aid and patience, He will impact this nation for His glory.

We Are Family

And finally, America is also a type of family, right? “One nation, under God?” And sometimes, family members act for the worst. Jesus gave us an example of this with the parable of the prodigal son, who made the mistake of leaving his father, taking his inheritance—money that was his by right––and doing what he pleased. At this time in our history, mainstream culture wants their rights. Gay and lesbian couples want to marry and parts of our country want to make seemingly incorrigible choices. Our typical response has been fear: fear for the children, fear for our community, and fear for our nation. Instead, refrain from fear and aim for prayer — prayer for our fellow men and for those confused around us. There is hope, and America may return home.

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