Toy Story 3 delivers characters, message, and tears

Even though the weekend’s over, it’s not too late to check out the latest Pixar movie!

It has been close to eleven years since the last Toy Story movie hit theaters leaving fans and critics alike more than eager to experience the third installment. With the last movie ending on a high note, it was hard to imagine what other adventure Pixar had up their sleeves for Andy’s beloved toys. However, the creators of this successful franchise have once again exceeded expectations and delivered another memorable tale.

The film starts off with a flashback showing how Andy used to play with Woody and the gang when he was a child. It is soon revealed that such play dates are a thing of the past, causing the toys to worry. Though Andy is off to college in a matter of days, Woody does his best to calm down the few toys that are left in the forgotten toy chest. Woody, Buzz, Jessie, Slink, Bull’s Eye, Rex, Mr.& Mrs. Potato Head, and the three-eyed alien triplets are all who have survived yard sales and the trash can throughout the years of Andy’s disappearing childhood.

A sudden turn of events causes the toys to panic, thinking that Andy does not want them anymore. Though loyal Woody tries to persuade Jessie, Buzz and everyone else that Andy does, in fact, still want them, the bitterness of past neglect is more than enough reason for the gang to “move on.” They end up at Sunny Side Day Care where toys are “kept, and never forgotten.” No owner means no heartache and no abandonment. However, what looks to be a promising place to find abundant playmates and a blissful future for the gang turns out to be a nothing more than a prison.

With the help of Barbie, Ken and some quick thinking, Woody must help the gang break out of Sunny Side, but not without some serious mountains to conquer. Amidst tense action scenes, Buzz provides some laughs with his personality change when he is accidentally switched to Spanish mode. The final resolution of this epic tale leaves many members of the audience in heartfelt tears as they recall precious memories made with their own beloved toys. The end of Toy Story 3 is truly touching, especially for students in the audience who are joining Andy in heading off to college and turning to a new chapter in their lives.

As always, the Toy Story film deals with the question of what it means to be loyal to friends and family through hardship and disagreements as well as through that painful step of moving on to the next stage of life. One of the charms that this last installment brings to its audience is the expansion of its memorable characters further than expected.

While other films are flopping to the ground because of poor story and pointless characters, Toy Story 3 brings home a wonderful display of true friendship, respect and forgiveness with extra adventure on the side for the lovable toys audiences know well. It is an ending for everyone to be proud of, and one that will not be lightly forgotten.

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