Reform is not the end of America

I’d like to take this opportunity to reassure the Biola populace of something: The United States of America is still the greatest country in the world.

Jeff Koch, Writer

I’d like to take this opportunity to reassure the Biola populace of something: The United States of America is still the greatest country in the world.

In the wake of one of the most dramatic and controversial legislation decisions in recent memory, I know a lot of conservatives are less and less sure of this. The majority of Biolans are conservative. Facebook has been alight with angry status updates. Conversations everywhere involving current events descend into a health care bill bashing session. So let me temper the remainder of the article with this: Thank God we live in a country where dissenting opinions and differing ideas are encouraged.

Still, the conduct of some of the conservatives in the media and around me has been less than gracious.

There is a Facebook group gaining ground called “I will not comply.” Apparently, some south Florida editorial writer decided that he would refuse to pay the additional taxes and meet the additional legal demands for his personal health care mandated by the health care decision early this week. Some conservatives against the decision are raising this as a banner. In my admittedly less-than-adequately-informed opinion, this approach makes you look like a spoiled brat who just had his lollipop exchanged for a more expensive lollipop (if that baby’s annual salary exceeds $250,000) that ensures that every baby will have a government-subsidized lollipop by fiscal year 2014.

Don’t get me wrong; the restrictions on health care, as well as the fact that my taxpayer dollars will go to fund healthcare operations including abortions, is enough to make me spit.

But step back for a moment. The liberal Democrats have a clear majority in the representative houses of government and have control of the White House. It is their turn. Imagine if a conservative initiative had been passed under inverse circumstances. Imagine conservatives passed a ban on abortion. Conservatives would have to drag the pro-choice Democrats kicking-and-screaming all the way, with the conservatives saying, “We won the elections. This is what the American people voted for. So take your medicine gracefully, and try to win back some seats in 2012.” So, let’s take a different attitude.

Let’s remember our representative government is the best kind we have. And, more importantly, let’s remember who’s in control of that government; not a president, not a list of elected officials, but a sovereign God.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go register to vote.

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