How your iPod can promote health

When going through your iPod to find your musical mood, do you ever stop to think that listening to music is actually beneficial to your health?

Kristi Peterson, Writer

Almost everyone in the world listens to music. Music is something that just about every country and group of people has and it is a way for us all to connect. There are many musical differences between groups, but nonetheless, the majority of people tend to listen to it.

When going through your iPod to find your musical mood, do you ever stop to think that listening to music is actually beneficial to your health? According to numerous sources, music is actually proven to be a positive addition to good health.

Music, according to, is “an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color.” According to a study held by Journal Heart, researchers found that listening to music is actually healthy for ones heart.

Ezine Articles states: “Listening to fast and convoluted tempos of music like classical and techno will increase the degree of physiological arousal. Meanwhile, listening to slower music such as love song, raga, and etc. could create induced calmness and fall in heart-rate. These are the reasons why the researchers said that these two kinds of music are could be helpful to decrease the risk of heart disease and stroke aside for boost immunity, ease muscle tension and more.”

The Journal of Heart & Lung did another study in 2004 proving that the people who listen to music while working out performed more than two times as well on a verbal fluency test than those who did not listen to music.

“Listening to music may influence cognitive function through different pathways in the brain. The combination of music and exercise may stimulate and increase cognitive arousal while helping to organize cognitive output,” wrote Charles Emery, the studies lead author.

Music is not only something that can be enjoyed by most everyone around the world, but it is another way to benefit your health. So keep listening and continue to have a healthy heart and stimulate your brain.

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