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Happy President’s Day DBC

President Corey has kept tradition but also brought fresh thinking to Biola.

Although breaking onto the music scene is incredibly difficult due to sheer number of artists striving to make it big, artists who are attempting to record a sophomore album often face the most difficult challenge of all. New music artists face a distinct challenge in which they must walk a fine line between having their second album sound exactly like the first album, and sounding like a completely different artist. If the former happens, the artist is accused of not having enough creativity, not being able to produce new and improved music. If the latter happens, listeners scratch their heads and wonder who on earth is singing the track they’re listening to. This leap, from freshman to sophomore album has been known to make or break an artist’s career.

Presidents of Biola University, traditionally, have not merely been institutional governors of policy and protocol. Instead, they have become the figurehead of a university that represents Christian academics to the outside world. They assimilate into the college culture, almost becoming a part of the student body. Certain presidents have become a beloved part of Biola culture, whether it is through chapels, through videos, in student projects, or in anything else. So while they serve academic contracts as the president, they must court not only outside financial donors but also the approval of the student body. This task has proved difficult, especially given the rapidly shifting temperaments of a college student body.

Enter Dr. Barry Corey, or DBC as he is affectionately known around campus. In 2007, Corey assumed the role of Biola University’s 8th president. He, like the musical artist, faced the unique and difficult challenge of assuming the presidency directly after beloved president Clyde Cook resigned from the office in 2007. Cook’s presidency had set a tone of kindness, leadership and amiability, which was now the standard by which Corey would need to abide as he assumed the office. However, it wasn’t enough for DBC to just be kind, to lead or to merely be amiable. He needed to be all of those things, keeping the same great virtues that Cook had made a standard while yet bringing a fresh, invigorating new spirit to the office, especially in light of Biola’s 100th year anniversary.

As President’s Day arrives, we reflect back not only on the great presidents of the United States who have led this country through it 214 years but also on what exactly it means to be a president, what the essential characteristics are that separate a good president from a bad one. And we recognize that our president, Dr. Barry Corey is indeed a good president. He has stepped into the cherished role of Biola president and done what great presidents do: he’s kept the time-honored traditions of old, the one’s which students and faculty have come to expect of a good president, while also bringing flourish, charisma and a noble character to the office, winning the hearts of this University. For that Biola is grateful, for that we thank God. Thank you, DBC, and may you continue to uphold the traditions set down by earlier presidents.

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