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Live SuperPoke brings Facebook to life

Horton South’s second floor, Iris, brought the concept of Facebook poking to life this week with the fundraiser Live SuperPoke.

SuperPoke is a feature on the social networking site in which users send a virtual action to other users. A recipient receives a message indicating they’ve been electronically hugged or poked.

In an effort to raise money for their floor, the girls set up a table outside of the cafe last Tuesday where students could sign up and choose someone to “poke” for a dollar. During three days of sign-ups, the girls had around 150 requests, equal to about $150 for their floor.

Senior Bethany Guajardo, resident assistant of Iris, said there were numerous options besides poking to choose from.

“You could poke, give a hug, silly string them … point and laugh, [or] propose with a ring pop,” she said.

Other choices included singing, throwing a stuffed sheep, blowing a candy kiss, squirting with a water gun and hitting with a floating pool “noodle.” According to sophomore Amber Vallotton, a resident of Iris, all of those options were delivered at least once.

Vallotton and sophomore Emily Jackson led the group that delivered the superpokes, which ended Sunday night.

The most surprising request was to sing to President Barry Corey. A group of girls sang “The Bear Necessities” (from the movie Jungle Book) to a bewildered Corey on Saturday during the inauguration festivities. Vallotton said they were able to clarify the purpose of their song afterwards.

“We sang to him and he was a little confused. He really liked it and thought it was really funny,” she said.

After each “poke” was delivered, the recipient was handed a card explaining the fundraiser and giving the name of who requested the poke.

Vallotton was excited at the response considering the short amount of time with which the fundraiser was planned.

“Especially for the first time, it was really good,” she said. “We planned it within two weeks.”

Last week was the only time this semester students could purchase pokes. The floor will repeat the fundraiser next semester to raise more money.

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