wikimedia.org, runforcoverrecords.com

wikimedia.org, runforcoverrecords.com
We have reached that time in the semester when all Biola professors really start to ramp up the work load. Dorm lobbies fill with late night study groups and many a student sleeping with a book on their chest in the SUB. To combat the mental fatigue and stress that follows this point in the semester, we bring you a few songs that will get you through it alive and well.
1. Modern Baseball — Rock Bottom
Modern Baseball makes music that feels nostalgic, even though their sophomore album just came out this past February. In this track, vocalists Brenden Lukens and Jake Elwald sing about ditching class, watching Planet Earth and ordering take out. Though I do not condone skipping out on classes, go ahead and live vicariously through this catchy song.
2. Ryan Adams — Gimme Something Good
Sometimes the best remedy to stress and homework is a good old-fashioned rock song. Ryan Adams’ latest self-titled album provides a slew of tracks that could have easily been written by Tom Petty. “Gimme Something Good” feels gritty, bluesy and sounds best screamed at the top of your lungs on a late night In-N-Out run with your friends.
3. Karen O — Sunset Sun
A simple relaxing song always helps in the midst of a giant heap of homework. Karen O is best known as lead singer for The Yeah Yeah Yeahs and the genius behind the soundtrack of “Where The Wild Things Are.” The indie pop princess just released a solo album made up of short acoustic songs recorded on her bedroom floor. This simple track will help make studying just a bit more bearable.
4. Andrew Bird — Cathedral In The Dell
This past June, Andrew Bird released an album mostly made up of covers by alt-country duo Handsome Family with a beautiful result. What could be more comforting than classic-sounding country melodies? This track sounds straight out of an early Johnny Cash album with Bird’s signature spot-on vocals. All of Bird’s music fades perfectly into the background while studying and this track is no exception.
5. Hero — Family of the Year
Family of the Year has gained a lot of notoriety for this track being used in the incredible film “Boyhood.” It is easy to see why director Richard Linklater used it prominently in the movie. This beautiful song with relatable lyrics will keep your toe tapping while your nose is deep in that 1000 page textbook.